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  • How to Install a Purchased Theme?

    When you purchase a WordPress theme you’ll get a download link for the zip file. Kindly check you email(used during sign up) inbox. To upload the theme to your site involves a couple simple steps.

    1. Log into your WordPress site, and go to Appearance ▸ Themes menu item
    2. Click the Add New button at the top of the screen
    3. Click the Upload Theme button at the top of the screen
    4. Now choose the .zip file that you have of the theme click Install Now
  • What happens when my membership expires?

    If you cancel your membership you will no longer have access to our themes, new theme releases, updates or support after the period you paid for (i.e. 12 months) is over. You can however continue to use the themes you downloaded while you were a member for as long as you want.

  • Can I continue to use your themes after my membership ends?

    Yes, you are free to continue using any themes you downloaded during your membership for as long as you want (no limits).

  • What payments do you accept?

    We accept purchases via PayPal, all major Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Wire Transfers (ACH/SEPA/BACS), and Purchase Orders.

  • I am having some issues with the theme, Where to put my queries?

    If you are having some issues with our theme then you can post your queries in our Support Forum or create Support Ticket. In order to create forum topic you need to Register an account first.

    Note: We’ve already created individual forum topic so please post your query on relevant topic only.

    Remarks Due to time difference instant support may not always be possible so please be patient.